Self Management

New Year, New….Me?

I can’t help but get excited about changing around the New Year. I like to pretend I am not one of those people who gets revved up for change heading into the New Year only to lose motivation/determination/grit/discipline a few days or weeks into January. In all reality, I am a mix of someone who […]

Self Management

Back to the grind

A couple of weeks ago, COVID swept through our small family of 3. First, my wife got sick, then our daughter got sick, and then I eventually ended up in bed for a few days. As I was driving to work this morning, I had a few thoughts I felt I needed to document: In […]


2021 Race Season Thoughts

Since 70.3 STG Worlds, I have had a few months of down time to let this season digest and collect my thoughts. I wanted to capture these thoughts so I figured a blog post would be most efficient.  Going into the 2021 season, I was feeling confident. I have been training consistently for 4 years, […]