About Scott


Our Approach

Scott's Philosophy

Working smart trumps working hard. All success in life requires GRIT. Stay focused on what is important to you in life and maintain discipline to achieve your individual capabilities. There are no short cuts to success. Success is defined by the individual. Ask yourself important questions often.

Our Story

My Story

I grew up in South Central PA. I raced motorcycles, played soccer, baseball, football, basketball, and wrestled for at least a year throughout my childhood. I did OK academically throughout middle school and high school. I went to Penn State University and obtained a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. After completing my degree, I went to work for Ingersoll Rand as an engineer. I participated in the leadership development program for 3 years. In 2016, I left big business to join my family's Diesel Fuel Injection business. Now I spend my time working with the family, racing triathlon, blogging, reading books, and working to constantly improve myself. You can read about my journey here.